Monday, December 31

Just add water

The holidays are almost over, with only about nine hours left until it's 2008. Christmas presents were mostly DVDs: I now have the complete Matrix trilogy, Scrubs up to season six, the fifth Harry Potter movie, and Ratatouille. I got the two games I wanted: Super Mario Galaxy and Zack & Wiki. And then I played those video games and watched the two newer seasons of Scrubs.

Not really a very exciting time after Christmas, I know, but there's nothing like a sudden punch of something I want to call the flu. I don't feel up for eating because of my inCREDIBLE threesies that come upon me like the Great Flood, but what was really fun was the horrible bout of dehydration I faced this morning, which I felt I could put off taking care of until I finished my shower. Steam doesn't help with nausea.

And in spite of this feeling of creeping death coming upon me, I can't help but think about the year that I have ahead of me. I don't really consider the new year to be MY new year. My new year begins on my birthday. Of course, this is the time when everybody goes on and makes their resolutions. I've only got a few this year, but I think they're better than those that I've had in years past (stay sane):

1) Keep my grades above the level required for the Regent's scholarship.
2) Stay true to my heart.

I don't know how well I can keep to the first resolution, but having dealt with a year and a half of college already, and I feel like my classes will be easy enough this semester that I won't have to strain too much for A's in these classes. As for staying true to my heart, I've struggled with what it means to be in love for a long time now. I've also worried about how I might stray from what my heart tells me to do. I know how it can sometimes seem like there isn't any chance for my heart to escape the darkness. A video game I played recently posed the question "Why are you afraid of the darkness?" and it answered itself, "Because of the people who are lurking in the darkness." I know that my heart has spent some time in the darkness. It's vern in the light for longer, but now it has a pretty hard task ahead of it: it has to bring another heart out of the darkness.

Was this blog inspired more by exhaustion or dehydration? You decide!

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