Sunday, March 29

Great endeavor, or STUPIDEST endeavor?

I am recording, by hand, streaming music files from the Super Smash Bros. Brawl soundtrack. There are 300-some songs, but the good news is that some of them are just sound bytes. I'm undertaking this because there are a number of really enjoyable songs on the soundtrack. UNFORTUNATELY, there are also a number of brain-tossingly bad songs (I'm looking at you, entire song list for Kid Icarus). Why suffer through all of the drudge? continuity. It drives me insane when I don't have all of the sorting information I regularly use to keep songs in order. This includes the horrible track numbers. Once I've got all of the tagging information, I'll dump all of the crap songs (I'm looking at you, entire song list for Kid Icarus).

In the meantime, I've got another 137 songs to go ._.