Monday, October 1

And now, iPod.

After a bit of unhealthy obsessing over the fact that this puppy was soon to be in my posession, it's finally here. And it is pretty darn cool. I'm typing this blog out on it, thanks to Safari and the built-in wireless module in it. So overall, this was worth the wait (ooh, it's correcting my spelling and predicting what I'll type next).

I think a lot of times, we want something too fervently, and it slips out of our possession without us even realizing that it's gone. I can attest to finding out that something has left me before I even realized that it was gone, and the realization that it's gone can sting. A lot. We can also wish that we had something so much that when we finally get it, the magic has all been spent in the anticipation. But the real thing about wanting stuff is that it's bound to happen. It doesn't take a psychologist to tell you that people want stuff. But when you try and downplay your desire for something... Well, that can be just as dangerous as wanting it too much.

Bottom line is that you can spend all of your energy on your will to have something, without even realizing that you're slowly killing the excitement for when it finally does arrive. But I think it's better to at least acknowledge the fact that you want something.

If you're honest about wanting something, them you can safely say that you over-hyped what you were waiting for, but if you downplay the value of something in your own mind, you might just miss something spectacular when it does come along

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