Friday, August 25

Like an anaconda hiding in a light fixture, college is about to strike

Everything is falling into place.  I've got clothes for the next two weeks picked out. my new towels, blanket, and sheets are all folded and aiting to go into a box.  The Gamecube is sitting on my end table with a look of excitement on its face...  Wait, what?  Maybe not that last part.  Anyway, if I was extremely excited to start college at the BEGINNING of this summer, I'm having a heart attack right now.  Okay, not really, but it's like my stummy and my chest are trying to make a baby together.  That's what it feels like.

I'm gonna make a visit to my old high school in about an hour.  I should probably get ready for that.  It's gonna be some awesome stuff going on, lemme tell you.

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