Wednesday, October 7

An update too long for Twitter or Facebook.

I discovered today that I'm getting a D in two of my classes. Normally, this is a very bad thing in college, because it means you have too little will to do what you think you want in life in order to actually get anywhere, except that the classes in which I'm performing remedially are about medieval England and oil wells – two subjects which, if I had to be told I could never ever learn about for the rest of my life, I wouldn't particularly miss. The unfortunate business is that these will drive down my GPA and can potentially force me out of my major. And suddenly the irony of liberal arts education becomes blaringly clear.

Anyway, maybe it's not too late to declare pass/fail.


hoteltuesday said...

You have a blog?!

I would cry if I got a D! Or a B+! Or an A-....
Looks like you'll have to take a break from shirtless vlogging to focus on those classes. Or not.

that's J-O-S-H said...

Hahaha. Yay for blogging! Write more so I can have another notch in mah bloggy bedpost to keep me occupied and further avoid job-searching.

Anonymous said...

One day your life could hing on the balance of your knowledge of medieval England and oil wells.