Wednesday, August 6


Any interpretations on this one would be appreciated.

Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was with my mom's relatives, and we were getting ready to go to this safari park. It was morning, so I hadn't showered by this point, so I go toward the bathroom and the door is open. Unfortunately for me, that doesn't mean that my cousin Paul isn't in there. He apparently didn't feel like closing the door before he got on the toilet. After deciding not to shower after all, I walk into the kitchen to find the world's smallest hamster, able to fit on a single finger. As it turns out, the incredibly tiny fluff ball is also great at climbing. When I set it down it began to vertically scale linoleum tile.

Then we go to the safari, which happens to also be an archery range. Most of the archers seem to be terrible at the sport, as arrows are flying and landing everywhere. We walk through the park (it's a lot more like a park than a jungle or savannah) and finally come to a point where across a lake and through a thicket, we can see this pack of giant moose. They're each at least two stories tall, and they're just grazing. Suddenly, from our right, an even bigger muskrat - no smaller than three stories tall - runs up and starts barking at the giant moose. I start feeling my pockets for my camera, then realize that I don't have it and I turn to the people behind me and ask them if they have it. Turns out somebody does, and they hand it back to me, upset about the fact that their own camera got lost. I promise the guy that I'll email him all the photos, and then another guy says that that won't be necessary and hands the both of us 6 GB compact flash cards. I have no clue what to do with this, since my camera takes SD cards. Then we continue to walk into a more science lab setting, and everyone begins to sing a patriotic song I've never heard before (this happens to me in dreams sometimes. I'll hear music I've never heard before) and at one point in the song everyone stops walking and just hugs the nearest person. I reach out for somebody, but everyone's already hugging somebody else.

Then the bell rings and it's time for me to go to my biochem class. The professor is at the board writing down everyone's name for the first day of class, and he tells us that if at any time we find the course too daunting, we can get up, walk to our name, cross it off, and write the time at which we left the class. He launches questions at us, and puts regulations on where we can sit based on how likely we are to help others figure out the answers to things in class. I need this class, because I only have 15 credit hours and dropping it would put my full-time student status in jeopardy, so I resolve to do well in it. At the end of the class, we start watching a video of people bowling in their swimming suits, which is somehow supposed to illustrate the differences in genetic disposition toward body types.

Suggestions as to what this might mean?

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