Wednesday, February 4

The nerdiest poem I've ever written

Chemistry taught me about bonds.
In a world where a labcoat and a microscope
Were more home to me than the letterjacket and the megamall,
I learned about incomplete electron clouds
And atoms looking for E's
So that the workings of their world
Could be a little more balanced,
And the way they do that is by sharing
By bonding.
I learned about bonds in chemistry.

Chemistry taught me about compounds.
While others were making plans for making out
I was making formulae for making molecules.
Within all kinds of things exist all kinds of smaller things
That make it in the universe by
Sticking together.
Water flows like love,
Two elements joined at the hip,
Hydrogen and oxygen
Dancing through the atmosphere
To the music and majesty of metaphysics,
Becoming something better as one
Than they ever could have been separate.
I learned about compounds in chemistry.

Chemistry taught me about pure elements.
When others were declaiming sin
I was discovering simple combinations
Of atom and atom,
Homo-nucleic.  We breathe it every day.
The stuff is golden,
It's solid as a diamond and smooth as graphite.
These bonds are just as strong as their compound brethren.
Sure, they occur less often in nature,
But they're just as important,
Beautiful just the way God made them.
I learned about the sterling silver pure elements in chemistry.

Chemistry taught me about covalence.
While friends were lamenting their love being one-way,
I was discovering how molecules can say,
“We’re cool with just sharing the things that we’ve got,” -
I should put a rhyme here, to thicken the plot -
“And this doesn’t have to be some power struggle,
Cause we’ve got each other. We can just snuggle.”
I’m fully aware they can’t speak like us, stupid.
I personified them to make the metaphor lucid.
And now that you’ve gotten your meter and rhyme,
I learned about covalence in chemistry.

And maybe I missed the amazing moments,
The true telling times of teen trepidation,
But if somebody gave me the magic button
And said, “Here kid,
The banker is offering you that time back.
All you’ve gotta do is give up who you became today.”
I’d think about how we sometimes get shaped
By the deals that we make,
But sometimes, some rare times,
We grow better from the deals that we break,
Sharpening ourselves to the point
We can cut through the common conceptions
Contaminating perceptions,
Letting life lose its luster
So people can barely muster
The strength just to see what’s in front of them
And never think about what’s going on beyond.
Yeah, maybe I missed those moments,
But I’ve got a lab coat and a love for lyricism.

And some day, my atoms will excite to the site
Of that one wandering mass of molecules,
And we won’t even need to wonder if it’s chemistry.
We’ll just be balanced.

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